Self Care & Grounding Exercises

Here at Turn2Me we are often asked for examples of a breathing exercise or grounding exercises, general self care tips.…

Anxiety Self Care

Diagnosing ADHD and what difference it can make.

Do I have ADHD? If you are finding it difficult to concentrate or focus and stick with any tasks, if…

ADHD Anxiety

Is January the best month for new resolutions?

Every year on the 1st of January, the 1st day of the new year, we make big plans and goals.…


Universal Children’s Day – 

How to Help Children with their Anxiety Children, just like adults, can experience high levels of anxiety about a myriad…

Anxiety Young People

How hobbies can help with anxiety.

I have a very creative personality. I find that having hobbies and/or learning new things really helps me in my…


How to Cope with Post College Anxiety

Just finished university and now wondering, now what? What’s next? How do I spend my days? What job will I…

Anxiety Young People

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