In the movies and the tv adverts they make Christmas look idyllic, with snow falling, lights everywhere, and people surrounded by friends, and family. This image is well known to us but isn’t the true reality for a lot of us.
Christmas can be a very lonely time heightened by the fact that everyone else seems to be happy and have someone to spend the holidays with. If you are feeling alone at Christmas here are some things that might help you:
Accept Invites
Sometimes we can isolate ourselves when we feel low by saying no to invitations. If you say yes to some invites you may find yourself enjoying time with others and feeling that bit less lonely.
Recruit Friends
Find out if any friends are also alone at Christmas and invite them to a Friendship Chrismtas. Sometimes when we live in another country we can’t always make it back home for Christmas with our families, so you may have more friends than you realize that have no one on christmas too. Get them to invite friends of friends too.
Plan Out Your Day for You
If you are spending Christmas alone, try to plan out your day with things you enjoy. Make your favorite meal, bake cookies, light candles, watch your favorite movies, read books,or facetime your family. Have a day of self care and just do things to make you happy. A whole day for just you.
A lot of people are alone or homeless at Christmas. Maybe you can volunteer with an organisation near you. Volunteering can be a great way to meet people and to feel positive from helping someone else. Reach out to organisations like the Simon Community or Penny Dinners, to see what you can do this Christmas.
Keep a Routine
Try to maintain a routine throughout the holidays, get up at the same time every day, meditate before breakfast, exercise at lunch, and go to bed the same time each night. Routine can help us feel more in control and calm any anxieties.
Journalling can be a wonderful way of expressing our emotions. It can also help us navigate what helps us feel better and track what triggers us. Journaling may help to notice what at Christmas time triggers this sense of loneliness, so you can try to avoid them.
You aren’t Alone
I know it feels like you are completely alone but you aren’t. There is someone who would love to have a chat with you. Sometimes Christmas makes us feel more alone but you can decide not to let Christmas make you feel like this. Remember it won’t be Christmas forever and pretty soon it will pass and life will be back to normal.
Reach Out For Support
While you might be physically alone at Christmas, it doesn’t mean you are completely alone. Reach out to a friend or family member over facetime or a phone call and just talk about how you are feeling. Or even just be on facetime to a friend or family member as you go about your day so it feels like they are with you.
There are so many wonderful organisations with people who are there to listen and help at Christmas. If loneliness is feeling too intense you can contact one of these services:
Call Samaritans on 116 123
Text ‘HELLO’ to 50808
Or you can log on to This Christmas we have groups throughout the holidays including our ‘Feeling Alone’ Group on the 31st of December at 5pm. On top of that, we have our Peer Support service Thought Catcher running everyday 2pm-8pm including Christmas Day, this is an online community where you can post your thoughts but also support other users by commenting on their thoughts.