Please refrain from describing specific weights, sizes, or eating behaviours on the platform.
The reason for this is that it has been shown that specific descriptions of eating behaviours can influence others. We commonly refer to this as ‘triggering’ and much evidence exists suggesting this occurs very much among people suffering from eating disorders.
We believe that eating disorders are about attempts to manage emotions and or instill a sense of control in one’s life, i.e. that the attempt to control eating behaviour is, ultimately, an attempt to deal with the emotional relationship we have with eating, purging, over-eating, or not eating.
Please feel free to register for an online support group (OSG) and turn2me‘s Thought Catcher to discuss emotional content surrounding eating and eating disorders. All we ask is that you do not describe how much or little you have eaten, purging behaviours, meal plans or share food, exercise suggestions with one another.
When a member posts material about eating or weight loss issues, these posts will be edited or deleted accordingly, for instance:
1. Any comparative references to dress sizes, weight (loss or gain – where actual weights or measurements are mentioned).
2. Restricted eating, especially where actual amounts of food (or abstaining from food) is detailed.
3. Any explicit reference to binge or purging behaviour – only vague references such as “it happened again” may not be edited.
4. Any mention of exercise or gym use that seems excessive and or directly related to the concerns which that person has about their weight.
5. Any other information the discussion of which seems to relate to plans, methods, or specific details of eating disordered behaviour.
Instead of saying “I lost or gained more or less weight, I ate didn’t eat etc”, please just say, for example, that you have been ‘having trouble’ or report ‘improvement’. We believe it is the underlying emotional impact that the behaviours have, not the specific behaviours, that are useful to discuss.
If you feel you absolutely must discuss a specific behaviour we ask that you contact a specialist service provider such as Bodywhys or Beat Eating Disorders (UK)
We understand that people who support each other on turn2me may wish to communicate in more detail in private. In this regard, we realise that some websites offer a private message or PM function. However, in line with turn2me’s commitment to the safety and transparency of its members’ use of the public forums, we do not provide this function. We are aware that (a) a number of people who use our site are at a potentially vulnerable point in their lives. We also know that (b) not everybody out of the many millions who use the internet are there with helpful intentions.
It is for this reason that we must insist that members of turn2me DO NOT POST IDENTIFYING DETAILS regarding themselves and or in any other way try to PRIVATELY CONTACT OR ARRANGE TO MEET another member through the turn2me site. We realise that this is not in keeping with some other mental health support websites. Members are clearly free to use the PM and other functions for meetings provided at other sites. But we must enforce our rule in this regard due to the level of responsibility we take for how OUR SITE is used.
In relation to both the safety and privacy features outlined above, any member who acts in a way that is not in keeping with these rules will receive a similar message to this.
‘Dear …
We realise that such actions may have genuinely been based on a simple lack of familiarity with our rules. In this case, please read the material provided and next time try your best to observe these rules.’
If a person is found to be in breach of the rules again, a temporary ban will be put in place. The member will be advised of the duration of such on a case-by-case basis.
If a member repeatedly or flagrantly breaks the rules, he, she or they may be permanently banned from the use of all turn2me services. This step is not taken lightly and is considered a last resort!
Our policies are in place to ensure that the turn2me site is both safe and beneficial for all our members. Thank you for reading our policies.